by odriva | Sep 14, 2023 | Sin categoría
The NEXTFLOW team contributed 3 oral presentations at the 18th European Turbulence Conference held in Valencia, Spain on September 4-6 2023. The contributions covered several outcomes of the project. In particular: Offline optimal sensor positioning for time-resolved...
by odriva | Aug 2, 2023 | Sin categoría
Our research group invites you to apply for one Postdoctoral position in data-driven flow control at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Offer Description Learning lessons from laboratory experiments is not straightforward. The most recent successful histories of flow...
by sdiscett | Jun 25, 2023 | Sin categoría
The NEXTFLOW team contributed 4 oral presentations at the last 15th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, held in San Diego (USA). The contributions covered several outcomes of the project, including resolution enhancement and flow estimation from...
by sdiscett | Jun 25, 2023 | Sin categoría
Our group participated to the Madrid Fair of Science with an interactive experiment on jet flows. It was a great opportunity to bring outside of the lab our daily work in the NEXTFLOW project and to show how fun is research! Looking forward to next exhibit...
by sdiscett | Mar 26, 2023 | Sin categoría
Is it possible to train super-resolution generative adversarial networks without full high-resolution samples? The answer is in our recent publication on Nature Machine Intelligence. Check it out here: Arxiv version...
by cbackenk | Sep 29, 2022 | Sin categoría
One of the objectives of the NEXTFLOW project is the development of novel concepts to increase the spatial resolution of PIV, going beyond the spatial “Nyquist limit” set by the average interparticle spacing. Within this line, the NEXTFLOW team recently...
by cbackenk | Sep 27, 2022 | Sin categoría
Next Friday will take place The European Researchers’ Night, a scientific event in which our team is going to participate in the workshop “Beyond emissions: How to reduce the environmental impact of aircraft?”, in which they will teach to visualize...
by cbackenk | Aug 29, 2022 | Sin categoría
Our research group invites you to apply for one Post-doctoral position in data-driven flow control at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Description and objectives: Learning lessons from laboratory experiments is not straightforward. Recent successful histories of flow...
by cbackenk | Jul 7, 2022 | Sin categoría
Several members of our team have presented the progress of our work at the 1st Spanish Fluid Mechanics Conference, which was held in Cádiz (Spain) on 19 – 22 June 2022. The conference contributions of the NEXTFLOW team are available here
by cbackenk | Apr 26, 2022 | Sin categoría
Our PI Stefano Discetti, the NEXTFLOW team members Andrea Ianiro and Patricia García Caspueñas, and Alison Ponche from the Aerospace Engineering Research Group of UC3M, visited the CEIP Angel Gonzalez in Leganés last April 7th to propose an entertaining activity on...