The NEXTFLOW team contributed 3 oral presentations at the 18th European Turbulence Conference held in Valencia, Spain on September 4-6 2023. The contributions covered several outcomes of the project. In particular:
Offline optimal sensor positioning for time-resolved flow field estimation with point probes
Junwei Chen, Stefano Discetti, Marco Raiola
From wall measurements to three-dimensional turbulent-flow fields.
Antonio Cuellar, Alejandro Güemes, Andrea Ianiro, Oscar Flores, Ricardo Vinuesa, Stefano Discetti
Jet-Flow feature estimation with snapshot PIV and fast probes. 18th European Turbulence Conference
Luca Franceschelli, Stefano Discetti, Marco Raiola
The book of abstracts can be found here. It was a great opportunity to share with the turbulence community our advances within NEXTFLOW!