The NEXTFLOW team brings forth expertise in experimental and computational aerodynamics, flow control and machine learning applied to turbulent flows. If you are willing to contribute to NEXTFLOW or being part of the team, contact us

Stefano Discetti
Principal Investigator

Andrea Ianiro
Full Professor

Manuel García-Villalba
Full Professor

Marco Raiola
Associate Professor

Guy Y. Cornejo Maceda
Postdoctoral Researcher

Álvaro Moreno Soto
Postdoctoral Researcher

Junwei Chen
PhD student

Iacopo Tirelli
PhD student

Antonio Cuéllar Martín
PhD student

Luca Franceschelli
PhD Student

Qihong Lorena Li Hu
PhD student

Patricia García Caspueñas
MSc student

Olympia Driva
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